Fedora 21 Release Party, Bangalore
The Fedora Project announced the release of Fedora 21 on December 09, 2014. To celebrate the release a [Fedora 21 release party] (https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Release_Party_F21_Bangalore) was organized at Red Hat, Bangalore with the help of Archit and Humble. The event was scheduled to start at 10AM but people started coming in from 9:30AM itself. Around 40 people turned up among them a good number were college students. The release party finally started at 10:30AM by [Archit] (https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/User:Arcolife) who gave an introduction of Fedora. Then, rtnpro gave a talk on what’s new in Fedora 21 release and discussed on the Fedora.Next project. He was followed by Neependra Khare who spoke on Project Atomic and Docker. ...