We are elated to inform you that Waartaa has been accepted as a project idea for GSoC under Fedora’s umbrella.
For those who are new to Waartaa, Waartaa is an open-source communication tool for teams and groups. It is built on top of IRC. Currently, Waartaa is an IRC client as a service and it supports centralized logging, 24x7 idling, notifications and unique identity to a user on IRC. The source code is available at https://github....
We are elated to inform you that Waartaa has been accepted as a project idea for GSoC under Fedora’s umbrella.
For those who are new to Waartaa, Waartaa is an open-source communication tool for teams and groups. It is built on top of IRC. Currently, Waartaa is an IRC client as a service and it supports centralized logging, 24x7 idling, notifications and unique identity to a user on IRC. The source code is available at https://github....
Lot of things to do!
Lot of things to do!
Lot of things to do!
This was continuously revovlving around my head for last 2 weeks. I had to deploy the work i had done on staging instance and test it. But wait! I had never written a setup.py before, never made a RPM package before.
While in college, I had a fascination toward RPM packaging as most of my college seniors had created a RPM package sometime or other....
There has been a lot of changes since I last posted my blog.
Darkserver’s command line dashboard now supports the secondary architecture. You can easily shutdown the darkproducer of specifying which architecture to shutdown.
.. code::
dark> shutdown darkproducer arch The support for multiple buildqueues was removed.
After a rigorous testing on my laptop, i pushed the code to the dev instance that was assigned to me. But, a mysterious error happened, nor the pid or the daemon of darkproducer was getting created....
I am currently doing some manual testing of my code, and it proved to be vital. It helped me figure out a lot of bugs. One of seemed weird to me in the beginning: The get here returned an error.
.. code::
Method Not Allowed This is an XML-RPC server. Only POST requests are accepted. The project required a heavy amount of download, so my mentor gave me a dev instance to test out my code, all seemed to be fine, with the code properly working on local machine....